Any More vs. Anymore

Today’s idea for Tip of the Day comes from Shea Writing and Training Solutions:

There are basically three schools of thought regarding the use of any more and anymore:
1.      Anymore is a misspelling of any more. Don’t do it.
2.      Anymore and any more are just two ways of spelling the same thing. Don’t worry about it. Just be consistent.
3.      Anymore and any more have distinct differences in meaning and should be used accordingly:
a.      Anymore means any longer or nowadays.
Example: “Let’s not do this anymore.”
b.      Any more means something additional or further.
Example: “I don’t want any more wine or cheese.”

I am old school, i.e., school of thought #3. I figure if you can use “any” or “more” alone in the same sentence and have it make sense, then they should be used as two separate words together, as each has its own meaning. If you cannot use “any” or “more” alone in that sentence, then you need to use “anymore,” which has its own meaning.

Do you want any chocolate?
Do you want more chocolate?
Do you want any more chocolate? (any additional)

I don’t like vanilla more than chocolate.
I don’t like vanilla any more than chocolate. (any better)

However, if someone once liked chocolate, but doesn’t like it now, then that person doesn’t like chocolate anymore. (any longer)
Editor’s note:  Good – more for me!

How shall we remember this?
If you mean any additional or any better, use any more.
If you mean any longer, use anymore.

Yogi Berra Quotes of the Day:

“A nickel ain’t worth a dime anymore.”

“Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.”

– Yogi Berra, American baseball player, New York Yankees, b.  1925

One Response to “Any More vs. Anymore”

  1. Troublesome words | CyberText Newsletter Says:

    […] Jeanne Purdue discusses when to use ‘any more’ versus ‘anymore’ in her recent blog post: […]

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